OJ EPO 2018, A112 - LU Luxembourg

Payment of patent fees

Applicants for and proprietors of European patents with effect in Luxembourg are advised that from 1 January 2019 the following rules apply:

1. Payee – bank details

Ministère de l'Économie
Office de la Propriété Intellectuelle
2914 Luxembourg

Name of the bank:
Post Luxembourg

IBAN: LU91 1111 7125 0540 0000


2. Methods of payment

Payment may only be effected via bank transfer.

3. Date considered as the effective payment date

Date on which the amount is credited to the above-mentioned account

EPO information brochure "National law relating to the EPC"

Users of this brochure (18th edition) should amend Table VIII, sections 2, 3 and 4, accordingly.