OJ EPO 2018, A88 - GR Greece

Payment of patent fees

The Hellenic Industrial Property Organisation (OBI) has informed us that the bank accounts for renewal fees and other fees relating to European patents in Greece have changed as follows:


OBI Organismos Biomichanikis Idioktisias

Names and addresses of the banks:

(1) Alpha Bank
(Amaroussio Branch No. 146)
64 Kifissias Avenue
151 25 Athens

Account no. 1460 0200 2008 632

IBAN: GR92 0140 1460 1460 0200 2008 632


(2) National Bank of Greece
(Amaroussio Branch No. 669)
6-8 Kifissias Avenue
151 25 Athens

Account no.  66947900149

IBAN: GR05 0110 6690 0000 6694 7900 149


EPO information brochure "National law relating to the EPC"

Users of this brochure (18th edition) should amend Table VIII, section 2, accordingly.