OJ EPO 2020, A94 - CEIPI (Centre for International Intellectual Property Studies): Extension of the enrolment deadlines for basic training in European patent law and preparation courses for the European qualifying examination 2021

In view of the current public health crisis and its wide-ranging effects, and in order to give candidates and employers maximum flexibility with regard to the enrolment procedure, the CEIPI is extending the enrolment deadlines for its basic training in European patent law starting in autumn 2020 and for its preparation courses for the European qualifying examination (EQE) 2021. The extended deadlines are as follows:

CEIPI/epi basic training in European patent law (courses starting in autumn 2020): 14 August 2020

CEIPI preparation courses for the EQE 2021:

Seminar for the EQE pre-examination and package offer: 16 October 2020

Methodology courses for papers A, B, C and D and package offer: 21 August 2020

Main seminars for papers A, B, C and D: 25 September 2020

More information on the courses offered by the CEIPI can be found on its website (www.ceipi.edu) under Training in European Patent Law and preparation for the EQE-EQF/Preparation for the EQE.

Contact CEIPI: Christiane Melz, CEIPI Section Internationale, Bâtiment Le CARDO, 7 rue de l'Ecarlate, CS 20024, FR-67082 Strasbourg Cedex, Tel. +33(0)3 68 85 83 13, christiane.melz@ceipi.edu