GL A VIII 1.5 Representation by a legal practitioner

Representation in proceedings under the EPC may also be undertaken in the same way as by a professional representative (see A-VIII, 1.2) by any legal practitioner qualified in one of the contracting states and having their place of business within such state, to the extent that they are entitled, within the said state, to act as a professional representative in patent matters. Legal practitioners entitled to act as representatives before the EPO are not entered on the list of professional representatives (see J 18/99). However, they are registered in an internal database administered by the Legal Division (see OJ EPO 2013, 600).[Art. 134(1); Art. 134(8); ]

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EPC Articles

EPO Guidelines - A Formalities Examination

EPO Guidelines - C Procedureal Aspects of Substantive Examination

EPO Guidelines - D Opposition and Limitation/Revocation Procedures

EPO Guide for Applicants, part II Int. - C The EPO as ISA and SISA

General Case Law