G 0010/93 (Scope of examination in ex parte appeal) of 30.11.1994

European Case Law Identifier: ECLI:EP:BA:1994:G001093.19941130
Date of decision: 30 November 1994
Case number: G 0010/93
Referral: T 0933/92
Application number: 89904000.0
IPC class: G01P 21/00
Language of proceedings: DE
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Versions: OJ
Title of application: -
Applicant name: Siemens
Opponent name: -
Board: EBA
Headnote: In an appeal from a decision of an examining division in which a European patent application was refused the board of appeal has the power to examine whether the application or the invention to which it relates meets the requirements of the EPC. The same is true for requirements which the examining division did not take into consideration in the examination proceedings or which it regarded as having been met. If there is reason to believe that such a requirement has not been met, the board shall include this ground in the proceedings.
Relevant legal provisions:
European Patent Convention 1973 Art 96(2)
European Patent Convention 1973 Art 97(1)
European Patent Convention 1973 Art 110
European Patent Convention 1973 Art 111(1)
European Patent Convention 1973 Art 114(1)
Keywords: Inclusion of new grounds in ex parte proceedings
Reformatio in peius


Cited decisions:
G 0009/91
G 0010/91
G 0009/92
G 0010/92
Citing decisions:
T 0056/92
T 0695/92
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T 0530/94
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T 0896/94
T 0900/94
T 0924/94
T 0107/95
T 0196/95
T 0839/95
T 0169/96
T 0192/96
T 0488/96
T 1051/96
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T 0734/97
T 0815/97
T 0976/97
T 1040/97
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T 1152/97
T 0169/98
T 0940/98
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T 0916/99
T 0338/00
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T 0783/00
T 1084/00
T 0248/01
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T 0818/01
T 0902/01
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T 1158/01
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T 1184/01
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T 0901/04
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T 1065/04
T 1163/04
T 1180/04
T 1262/04
T 1304/04
T 0020/05
T 0159/05
T 0404/05
T 0564/05
T 0681/05
T 0727/05
T 0731/05
T 0887/05
T 1042/05
T 1055/05
T 1123/05
T 1125/05
T 1218/05
T 1246/05
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T 0516/06
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T 1542/06
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T 1709/06
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T 1186/07
T 1317/07
T 1436/07
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T 1545/07
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T 1985/07
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T 0632/08
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T 2169/10
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T 2425/10
T 2496/10
T 0065/11
T 2200/11
T 2287/11
T 2288/11
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T 2495/11
T 2589/11
T 0091/12
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T 0612/12
T 0621/12
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T 0760/13
T 0932/13
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T 1459/13
T 1569/13
T 1620/13
T 1651/13
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T 1000/14
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T 1818/14
T 1987/14
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T 2212/14
T 0104/15
T 0804/15
T 1623/15
T 2024/15
T 2162/15
T 2212/15
T 2371/15
T 0472/16
T 0862/16
T 1115/16
T 1137/16
T 1232/16
T 1267/16
T 1430/16
T 1818/16
T 2077/16
T 2343/16
T 0340/17
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T 0815/17
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T 1992/17
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T 2271/18
T 0270/19

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EPC Articles

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Case Law Book: IV Divisional Applications

Case Law Book: V Priority

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